Reliability, Durability and Versatility are the Key Features of all our Machinery.

20-Meter Class

The 20-Meter ClassBoom Pumps

Accurate concrete placement with a compact footprint and maneuverable boom designs.

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The 30-Meter Class

The 30-Meter ClassBoom Pumps

Accurate concrete placement with a compact footprint and maneuverable boom designs.

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The 40-Meter Class

The 40-Meter ClassBoom Pumps

Designed for the operator, with increased payload capacity, longer pump life and next generation controls.

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The 50-70 Meter Class

The 50-70 Meter ClassBoom Pumps

Delivers on strength, flexibility and reliability with the reach you need.

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The Telebelt® TB 130

The Telebelt® TB ClassTelebelts

Strong, yet lightweight and easy to control. Handles a wide variety of materials.

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The Telebelt® MXTB 600

The Telebelt® MXTB ClassTelebelts

Designed for large, civil projects and those projects that require the use of large aggregate concrete.

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The Telebelt® TBS ClassTelebelts

Versatile conveyor with 5th wheel configuration.

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BSA Trailer PumpsTrailer Pumps

The Putzmeister BSA Trailer Pumps are powerful, reliable, durable and flexible. They provide exceptional convenience to meet the requirements of the most demanding of jobs.

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Thom-Katt Trailer PumpsTrailer Pumps

The Thom-Katt trailer pumps are the finest examples of the Putzmeister expertise in boom pumps. Most ideal for wet process shotcrete across a wide range of applications including refractory, underground and civil projects.

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Line Pumps

High Performance. High Mobility. Highly Economic.

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City PumpsLine Pumps

Putzmeister City Pumps and are the ideal choices for highly mobile, compact, and affordable units. What's more, navigating congested job sites and busy streets is easy for these machines. The modular flatpack is fully removable.

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Vehicle Series Line PumpsLine Pumps

Free flow hydraulics give you smoother, faster and more efficient pumping at a lower cost than other pumps by reducing pressure peaks and surges.

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Putzmeister America

Putzmeister America, Inc.
1733 90th Street,
Sturtevant, WI 53177 USA

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